You should question the question

I moved to the south of France a couple of months ago, it was a bit stressful because I had to move here, find a new apartment, go back to Venice to graduate…in one week. Everything went fine and this also thanks to a nice agent that did something that other agents did not, she […]

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The cost of Social Communication

Well, there is a simple reason. With the traditional media the communication between people was massive and standardize. In Social Media the customers wants a unique and personalized answer to their needs and provide this information cost a lot of time. The  effort required to connect with everyone is much higher than the standard advertising and […]

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Social Network and People

One thing that has been changed by the social networks is the relationship with the content we found on the Internet. All the Social Networks (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, G+) shares a common feature: they enable the reader to follow the author of the content and not the category of the content. Before Facebook the main […]

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A smarter approach to New Year’s resolutions

Every year is the same old story… Everyone make a bunch of New Year’s resolution and fail. Repeat the year after and fail. I think that the major problem is that one year time horizon is too long. So my suggestion is to have this New Year’s Resolution: Commit to change one single thing, to […]

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